*IN-PERSON CLASS* Japanese Intermediate 1 - Ms S.Suzuki - Friday: 6:45 pm - 9:45 pm - 9 weeks - August 20, 2021


Resumption of classes in-person: After careful consideration with regards to the government’s latest announcement, Bunka Language School has decided that all in-person classes will continue to be conducted online and will be resuming all in-person classes from 16 August 2021, Monday onwards. This is inline with the government’s guidelines to strongly discourage in-person classes. It will also serve to ensure that our students and staff are safe.

If you are keen, please do register as SPACE IS LIMITED and will be allocated on a first-come, first served basis! Also, your registration is not confirmed until payment is received. Please be informed that registrations will be closed 5 days before commencement of the class and late registrations will not be allowed and might incur additional charge.

NOTE: Active students between 17 May and 13 June (as long as you are registered in a class during this period) can utilise the $50 class credit mentioned in the announcement page. These $50 class credits can be used for your next continuation class and have a validity of 6 months (until 13 December 2021). This credit is not transferable.

All you need to do is when you sign up for your next class let us know that you would like to use the credits, and we will apply this discount for you.

For students who prefer PayPal as their preferred payment method, please select Nets/Cash as your preferred payment method and inform us. We will then send you the discounted Paypal link.

  • Teacher: Ms S.Suzuki
  • Location: Room F (15)